Monday, July 11, 2011

Week of Zorro

Monday 530 SS: Maz loop via Carraige hill old TCH. Note:After ride beers at Zorro's.

Wed 530SS: Old TCH, Rocky Road,Holyoke, Tripp, B.C, Douglas, Sunset.

Fri. 530SS: "OSB KIT NIGHT" Lincoln, Nevers, Wassis, airport, lincoln. Note: ride is social pace.

All riders (and spouses,friends, family etc.) are invited to Zorro's for bar-bQ, Pops and
Tour de France( High Mountain Stage) after the ride. Address is 24 Angelview Court
( off Woodstock Road). Plese RSVP .


Turbo said...

Me and Me Wife in for Friday social

Mel said...

Look for me to ride tonight in the heat!

Turbo said...

Fun ride last night Smoothie, Glide, Cyclesquash, Zorro, AH, Turbo and a piece of Donut. The mazz is actually nice to ride.
Thanks for the Pop Zorro
Oh yeah, 7 drops of rain

rat said...

Should be in for the social ie me and the missus

Smoothy, weather permitting I am in for the Wed, Thurs, and Fri commutes.

Mel said...

Rat, I'll see you in the morning! Anyone else? Free coffee!

Donut said...

Monika and I are in for Social on Friday.

Team OSB said...

Friday ride OSB KIT NIGHT

Herc said...

I'm in for the social

Bubbles said...

If it is hot, I cannot promise that I will wear the kit! However, I will wear something.

Bubbles said...

Turbo, could you please clarify your comment about "a piece of Donut?"...

No Shoes said...

Great ride, good company and the best hospitality. Thanks Zorro!
Bubbs&Rat enjoy the Island. Herc, start wearing your heart rate monitor all the time.

Jamie&Monika said...

Thanks Zorro for the great hospitality, plenty of good laughs as always.

Turbo and Miss's said...

Great friday night folks,
Tks, Zorro
Just checked the Vault "It's Empty"
See you at 0830 boyz

Herc said...

Thanks so much Zorro, and for thinking of me and getting me glueten free hamburger buns. Great to get together with everyone. Thanks for the tip Lazlo.

Bubbles n Rat said...

Off to PEI, we'll miss y'all! Thanks so much for the social last night Zorro, great place, great friends, great fun.

Turbo, your vault is empty cause you can't keep a thing in it!!!

If anyone is in PEI call us at 440-4826

Turbo said...

Enjoy the Vac Rat and Bubs, Don't sink the Island. Fun ride this morning, just watching the Tour is enough to inspire any would be rider.

rat said...

hey all we are on the island and the location is great. hope to ride tomorrow.
who knows of an online site to watch the tour live.
the place only has 3 stations via rabbit ears wtf!

Omni said...


Drop into the Cycling Fans website and find one of the EuroSport channel links.

Jörn said...

Is anyone riding today?
Would like to go out from 9-12.

rat and bubs said...

thanks for links suggestions. it is beautiful here this morning, have already seen some roadies. we are off for a ride this am.

Jörn said...


Anonymous said...

steep hill tv has the euro sport links.