Monday, June 6, 2011

Week of JUNE 6,

Dances with Weather

Fri- 5:30 from Stepping Stone- Hanwell, Bishops, Knowledge Park, Wilsey, Lincoln, Nevers, Waasis, Oromocto, back in Lincoln.
Sat-0800 Leaving from Turbo's Hanwell, Harvey, Lake George, Breakfast?, back to town.


Mel said...

Fusion cafe, best pancakes in the world! Let's go on Saturday!

Donut said...

I hear the people are very friendly at the Fusion Cafe:)

Donut said...

I hear the people are very friendly at the Fusion Cafe:)

Herc said...

They are really friendly at Fusion. They especially like Donuts.
I can't wait to get on my bike. I'll keep checking to see when you are all riding and come out and try to hang on.

Turbo said...

Any rides to Woodstock, should include swimsuits, Never know what kinda offers a sexy biker in spandex might get!!
Weather looks good for tonight, anyone riding from SS at 5:30 please post or I'm going to DA gym

Mel said...

I am trying to get out of the office in time for a ride. Why are you going to the gym in the summer, that is a winter activity! Plus, what gives with swimsuits and Woodstock?? If the office goes well, I will swing by the SS by 5:30

Leah Levac said...

i wanna ride at 5:30. i'll be at SS.


Turbo said...

Game On
OSB Group ride SS 5:30

Turbo said...

Monday Ride: Stinky.Glide,Smoothie, Cyclesquach,Zorro, Big Sexy, Donut, Turbo
As good as it Gets

Anonymous said...

oh fuck off you pansies!

HErc said...

ok, I usually don't respond to those messages, but the pansy seems to be the one too scared to post a name. why would anyone use that kind of language? no need of that

BSexy said...

Smoothie, are you commuting tomorrow?

Team OSB said...

Anonymous... Turn the Page Bro! Your in the wrong Headspace

Jazz said...

Hey BSexy - congrats are definitely in order. So glad for you and hope to share some good rides together this summer.

In my case, i hope to actually ride sometime this summer!

Jazz said...

Personally, I like pansies. Not as much as tulips, but better than daffodils.....So if y'all are pansies, really, i'm quite ok with that.

Mel said...

Yes to commuting 7:30 @ DQ. Should I look for U?

Bsexy said...

Yes, I will be there. Is DQ open that early? Maybe I can grab a pecan mudslide for breakfast.

Thanks to team OSB for all the support. I really appreciate it.

Jazz said...

I'd like to see someone try a hard 50k ride after a Pecan would be like sitting on the side of a volcano waiting for it to erupt.

Leah Levac said...

are folks riding this aft?

Stinky said...

Have a great ride tonight. I wish I could join you but I have a school event. That was a great ride last Monday.

Oh and by the way..... Thanks, now I am craving for a pecan mudslide blizzard. Off to DQ I go.

Bubbles said...

Is there a commute tomorrow morning (Thursday)? Herc and I finally dusted our bikes off and rode last night, but not in time for the group ride. Look out... cause here we come!

Pinky said...

Thanks OSB. That was the best OSB ride I've been on in over 3 years. Tons of fun.

Leah Levac said...

...and what about a friday morning commute? I can't ride in the afternoon so would like to ride friday am?

Mel said...

Yes, commuting both days. I can't offer Pecan Mudslide at Oromocto, we usually settle for muffin and a coffee but if you want a McFlurry it is on me! We now meet, 7:30 at the DQ, don't be late!

rat said...

Unavailable for this weeks commutes which makes me sad as the Smoothy leaves for his european trip next week. However can be there for Friday eve.
Also if anyone wants to do a commute with smoothy inasbsentia I can do the coffee perhaps at the sour grape. We would leave sametime and place.

Leah Levac said...

unless it's raining, i'll see you tomorrow at 7:30 am at DQ -

Turbo said...

looks like great weather for some rides, hope to see some folks out Friday night and Sat AM.

zorro said...

Count me in for Fri. and Sat morning.
How about 8am Sat, tour de dog?

Bubbles said...

OK, now I know that I haven't been riding but would like to ride tomorrow morning, however, the Harvey ride seems a bit long. Is there a way to shorten that ride for those of us who might not be able to make it to Harvey? Is there a way to go shorter? Will this be fast?

rat said...

Hey Bubbles, the tour de dog is not Harvey, is about 70k, and Zorro gets to call it as we had to cut it off last Sat.

Oh yeah in for Fri 530

Herc said...

that sounds great, Bubbles was just looking out me me. so are we leaving from ss or Turbos? just going by what's posted for a route. Just not sure what the tour de dog route is. thanks

Donut said...

Hey Bubbs(AKA Draft Queen)

See what happens when you only focus on catching a draft.. Your to busy watching the wheel in front of you and ya miss out on the scenery, which results with never knowing where your going or where you have been... Harvey is a long ways off from Tour de dog.. haha..

If Bubbles is going you can count me in for Sat morning at 8am..

Jazz said...

Friday ride just what Dr. (Rat) ordered for someone desperate to get back into shape! You know you're in for fun when youve got Rat, Stinky, Turbo and Zorro in your train and then No Doubt pulls in behind. I won't say what the Avg. Was but it was pretty shocking for a Friday! Thanks - I needed that!

Bubbles said... we still meet at Turbo's for the Tour de Dog..can someone please help me out here? Donut (AKA crampy), if you need to hop on my wheel, just say the word!

zorro said...

Hey Turbo:Zorro and Donut are in for 800am at your place.

zorro said...

Hey Bubbs: We are not doing tour de dog, Harvey instead. Zorro and Donut are turning back at Hunter road because of time constaints. So 800am at Turbo's.

Bubbles said...

Perfect, I'll be there with a plan to do the whole thing, as long as the pace is reasonable. This will be my second ride of the year so...go easy on me (and Herc, she gave blood yesterday so be kind to her). That's my motto, be kind to others!

herc said...

oh good grief, you guys know better, don't be fooled. she ran intervals with me when I was training for my marathon and yelled at me the whole time. I may have to turn back as well, Tristan wants to go to the market. She has no mercy. But I love her to death

Turbo said...

probably all go the shortened Hunter Road. Re: Bubbles... (That's all I got to say bout that)

Jörn said...

Is anyone interested in a ride today? I will stop by at the SS at 1 pm.

Turbo said...

What a morning for a ride, Herc,Bubbles, Zorro, Turbo. The Girls haven't missed a beat. + Now they are all caught up on the OSB news events.

Herc said...

Well Bubbles hasn't missed a beat. Thanks so much for your patience guys. I was so happy to be back on the bike. Hope we can get out today

Team OSB said...

For those interested the Freddy Kruzers the MS Rona Bike Team is doing a group ride from the Y at 0930 Sunday morning. NOTE: Relaxed Pace.

MarkQfoT said...

ok, I usually don't respond to those messages, but the pansy seems to be the one too scared to post a name. why would anyone use that kind of language? no need of that

Teresa said...

Is anyone interested in a ride today? I will stop by at the SS at 1 pm.